The twisted religion of Blair and Bush - 10 mars 06 IHT
Secular Britain was shocked last weekend when Prime Minister Tony Blair
said that God would be his judge over the war in Iraq. Similarly,
President George W. Bush has often used God to justify the war on
terror as a religiously blessed and righteous campaign against "evil
doers." Predictably, those who oppose the war view themselves as
secular progressives untainted by religious fundamentalism and the
madness it produces.
Unfortunately for liberals, the origins of Bush's and Blair's religious
convictions lie not within Christianity but rather within the history
of Western modernization and, most important, within contemporary
liberalism itself.
Religious fundamentalism has often been used to justify extreme
political ideologies. Currently both sides of the war on terror
legitimate their actions by perverted theological reasoning.
The neo-cons and their acolytes have launched a unilateral pre-emptive
conflict, masquerading as a "just war," with horrendous consequences.
In the name of good versus evil, people are being killed, imprisoned
and tortured with impunity. Likewise, in a quest to rebuild and expand
the imperial Caliphate, Al Qaeda and its henchmen are engaged in a
modern variant of jihad: They have removed all traditional Islamic
limits on warfare, propagating instead mass civilian death via the
suicide of their followers.
The usurpation of the great faiths by secular ideology is not usually
recognized. This process has a historical and a contemporary dimension.
For all the major monotheistic faiths, their primary historical
distortion lies with their utilization for the purposes of state
formation and nationalism.
Both Judaism and Islam suffer from being religions that are synonymous
with the construction of states and political power. This was
recognized within Judaism by a constant tension between the prophets
and the kings, with the former always calling the latter back to a true
righteousness untouched by the corruption of power and avarice.
Islam had a not dissimilar distinction, with the imams often limiting
the political ambit of the caliphs, directing them to a properly
configured vision of an Islamic polity. It is disastrous that both of
these critical religious legacies have been lost to a secular politics
that now has no limits.
Christianity had a better start. For almost three centuries it avoided
capture by the logic of the state, and was able to form human beings
into a community that transcended class, race and geography. This
tradition was eclipsed in A.D. 325, when Constantine made Christianity
the official religion of the Roman Empire. Since states put a premium
on conformity and political allegiance, religion became a primary way
to ensure mass compliance with state authority.
This dubious historical legacy was further compromised when, in the
so-called wars of religion of the 16th century, European princes
competed for power. Notions of race and nation were deployed alongside
religion to formulate political identities that were ethnically and
culturally exclusive. Historically speaking, secular nationalism and
racism undermined religion's universal claims and tied faith to state
Contemporary liberalism has championed the secularization of both
religion and politics. In the name of tolerance and pluralism, secular
liberals relegated religion to the private sphere. By denying religion
any public import, this hitherto shared realm became drained of any
objective moral beliefs. Society was atomized and culture surrendered to relativism.
Paradoxically, by privatizing religion, secular settlements produced
religious fundamentalism. Confined to the personal sphere, religion is
deprived of civic engagement that would mitigate fanaticism and foster
moderation, and faith answers to no authority other than subjective
inner conscience.
Indeed, this is why Blair thinks the invasion of Iraq is consonant with
his Christian beliefs: On television he explained, "The only way you
can take a decision like that is to do the right thing according to
your conscience." The trouble is that once liberalism has surrendered
any belief in objective truths, all personal subjective beliefs become
true. Once all things are equally valid, the only way to attain
supremacy is through war and power. Thus does liberalism make
fundamentalists out of us all.
Hence, convinced of their own self-righteousness, Blair and Bush are
blind to the reality of their actions. With religious zeal, they pursue
their shared project to make Western hegemony irreversible. In so
doing, they have embraced a profoundly secular logic - the destruction
of traditional religion at home and abroad and the merciless expansion
of market democracies across the globe. Blair and Bush seek to create a
brave new world in the image of their faith, a vision that just happens
to be irreconcilable with Christianity.
(Phillip Blond
lectures in philosophy and religion at St. Martin's College, Lancaster.
Adrian Pabst is a doctoral candidate at Peterhouse, Cambridge
University, and a research fellow at the Luxembourg Institute for
European and International Studies.)
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